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Zinc ingot

is the main product of Rooyparvar complex with a purity of 99.99% and silvery-greyish appearance. Due to zinc characteristics such as reactivity with iron.

ZAMAK ingot

Zamak (or Zamac) is a type of zinc alloy, consisting of zinc, aluminum, magnesium, and copper, which the acronym ZAMAK uses the German .

Zinc oxide concentrate

The Kaniparvaran Company supplies the primary feedstock for the Rooyparvar Company. The incoming soils and ores are processed during crushing.

Zinc sulfide concentrate

If the mineral input feed contains zinc sulfide ore, it is processed in the flotation unit of Kaniparvaran Company, and the zinc sulfide is enriched.

Lead concentrate

If the mineral input feed contains lead oxide and lead sulfide beside zinc, it is transferred to the flotation circuit of Kaniparvaran Company.

Lead ingot

The produced lead concentrate, in Kniparvaran Company, is transferred to other companies and after separating interfering elements, the final extraction .

Cobalt concentrate

The Kaniparvaran Company supplies the primary feedstock for the Rooyparvar Company. The incoming soils and ores are processed during crushing .

Zinc hydroxide

The filter cake, a by-product of the zinc ingot production cycle, is transferred to the cake washing unit (BZS) in order to reprocess the remained zinc.

Introduction of Roy Prover Company

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About Zanjan RooyParvar company

Zanjan RooyParvar company was established in 2009 on a land of 7 hectares, located in the specialized industrial town of Roy Zanjan. Currently, this company produces about 20,000 tons of zinc ingots annually. The grade of produced ingots is 99.99% and the grade of disturbing elements such as lead is below 50 ppm. This quality of production has caused that large manufacturing companies in industries such as automobile sheets, which are consumers of zamak ingots produced by Roy Prover Company, galvanized sheet and steel companies, are the main domestic customers and the countries of Turkey, UAE, Oman, Russia and China as export destinations. become.

Over the years, Roy Prover Company has been able to obtain a research and development license, a commercial standard mark application license, a partner laboratory certificate of the National Standard Organization, an ISO 14001 certificate, an ISO 18001 certificate, and an ISO 9001 certificate. Various such as: exemplary industrial unit of the province, selected company of the national day of industry and mining, exemplary health and safety unit and received a certificate of appreciation from the Central Bank of Iran.


Bahrevary 10 St., Roy industrial zone, Zanjan, Iran.